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Action Sports WA



Regular price $899.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $899.00 AUD
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Width: 45cm, 50cm, 55cm, 38cm, 62cm 

Line length: 13m, 20m, 23m, 25m, No Lines

**Want a Bar width and/or line length that isn’t listed? Give the shop a call! Ozone contact bars are the most reliable design on the market. Every part of the Ozone contact bar V5 has been carefully designed to allow for perfect control of the kite without any gimmicks and unnecessary over engineering in the design. Version 5 continues the legacy and the main new feature is the way the trim cleat is strengthened and made more compact, new grip and stiffer and refined soft bar ends and completely new design in the way the lines have been made modular. Upgrade kits are available to upgrade any Ozone bar to the V5 standard, no other brands supports customers and conserves resources like this.

-Two Release Modes -Three Loop Size Options -Spinning Head with Anti-twist Flag Out Line -Soft Bar Ends with Leader Line Adjustment -Bio-based Dyneema® Modular Flying Lines -Ergonomic EVA Grip -Stainless Steel Leader Line Pin -Light Weight Aluminium Centre Piece -PU Covered De-power Line -Stainless Steel Trimmer Bracket -Clamcleat Trimmer -Re-launch Balls CLICK-IN LOOP

Push-away quick release with an innovative one-step Click-In reload function that is incredibly intuitive. The release handle fits comfortably in the hand, it is quick and easy to activate the release by pushing the handle away. A self-positioning release mechanism locates automatically, ready to be re-loaded by simply ‘clicking’ in the loop. The Click-In Loop is AFNOR NF S52-503 certified. BIO-BASED DYNEEMA® MODULAR FLYING LINES Colour coded 500kg front / 300kg back lines are precision cut, pre-stretched, spliced and sewn in our own production facility to guarantee accuracy. We use the highest quality Bio-based Dyneema® – this material has the same performance as conventional Dyneema® with a carbon footprint that is 90% lower than generic HMPE fiber. MODULAR DESIGN Our modular design makes adding or removing extensions quick and easy via removable pigtail end connectors. ERGONOMIC EVA GRIP 3D pressed EVA with ergonomic shaping and a lightly sanded finish provide the ultimate bar grip. It is colour coded with the leader lines and flying lines for an added visual safety feature. DESIGN INSPIRATION What’s the first thing you do when you get in a car? You click in your seatbelt, hearing that ‘click’ sound makes you feel secure that you are safely buckled up, and you know instinctively how to release it. The design of our innovative quick release system, the Click-In Loop, was inspired by the same principle. In the same way fastening your seatbelt has become a natural action when getting into a car, riders should activate and reload their release systems before and after every use. Although this important safety check is often overlooked, checking your release before each session will ensure it is functioning properly. We developed the Click-In function to be simple and intuitive, so activating and reloading will become second nature. IMPORTANT NOTES: Below the Bar Release (Recommended Mode) All riders should attach their Kite Leash to the Flag Out System. This is the small eyelet on the Stainless Steel Swivel Ring. When the release is activated, the kite will flag out and fall to the water/ground.  ADVANCED RIDERS (Use at your own risk, not recommended) Riders performing unhooked tricks or who are more confident and have spent many hours Kiting can attach in Expert mode, where the loop part runs through the large eye of the steel ring. When letting go of the bar in Expert mode (without activating the release e.g. missed handle pass) the kite will depower but WILL NOT flag out. Be aware in this situation, the Quick Release will be out of reach and can therefore not be released. When hooked in and activating the Quick Release the steel ring automatically slips off and the kite will flag out. KEEP IT CLEAN: In all situations make sure that all lines are clear of all working release systems and the kite leash is connected in the right way. Always clean your control system with fresh water after every session, and reload/release the Click-In Loop to check the system is functioning correctly. Store your control system with the Click-In Loop release open. Reload the next time you set up your kite.

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